Kevin Olson: Sight Reading and Rhythm Every Day - Book 2B: Solo de Piano

Méthode - manuel | Partitions

TYPE DE PRODUIT: Méthode - manuel
ÉDITEUR: The FJH Music Company
Sight Reading & Rhythm Every Day is designed to help students achieve an impeccable sense of rhythm which is the first step in successful sight reading, and to develop their skills with key recognition, time signaturerecognition, pattern identification, interval recognition, and intermediate
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Compositeur Kevin Olson
Compositeur suivant Helen Marlais
Description Instrument Group Piano ou Clavier
Instrumentation Solo de Piano
Instrumentation Piano
Type de produit Méthode - manuel
Description Product Type Recueil
Collection FJH Pianist's Curriculum
Niveau de difficulté Facile
Éditeur The FJH Music Company
Nombre de Pages 48
ISBN 9781569395424
UPC 674398219469
Edition Number FJH1538
Sight Reading & Rhythm Every Day is designed to help students achieve an impeccable sense of rhythm which is the first step in successful sight reading, and to develop their skills with key recognition, time signaturerecognition, pattern identification, interval recognition, and intermediate response to articulation and dynamics.

This series will help the student to develop an internal sense of pulse so that the underlying rhythm in asight-reading example becomes second nature. This allows the student to concentrate on the other elements of music making. As the books progress, four-measure sight-reading drills for one hand progress into longer pieces forbothhands. Students learn the concept of playing from beginning to end without stopping, and every unit ends with a teacher-student duet to reinforce the idea that when sight readers start to play, they do notstop.

Throughout the series, new concepts are gradually introduced to provide adequate reinforcement of each concept. Every day, students are asked to count rhythms, analyse and circle patterns, and play sight-readingexamples. The manageable task size and carefully structured format of each unit make progress immediately noticeable, which helps to motivate students.

The carefully crafted musical examples and exercises effectivelydevelop eye, ear, and hand coordination. This series guides students in a simple, straightforward way to develop into students who sight read with ease, accuracy, and musicality.

In the Every Day plan for Book 2B, studentslearn:
  • Triads and begin to play pieces with both hands together on two staffs
  • Different articulations and dynamics, and students are asked to transpose short pieces to the next nearest keys
  • ‘Plan’ for note andrhythmic accuracy, correct articulations, and a good sound

  • Helpful suggestions guide students to think before they play, and not to stop once they have started. Students are also asked to count rhythmic examples outloud and clap, tap, point,
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