Thomas Simaku: a2 (b): Duo pour Cordes Mixte

Conducteur | Partitions

COMPOSITEUR: Thomas Simaku
ÉDITEUR: University Of York Music Press
For Violin and Cello. Published 2008. Dedicated to Peter Sheppard Skaerved and Neil Heyde. 'This music was composed during my DAAD residency in Berlin in October — November 2007. If I were to describe itin one sentence, I would say that it is based on the idea of 'two things seen/heard as one'. 'a2
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Compositeur Thomas Simaku
Description Instrument Group Autres Cordes
Instrumentation Duo pour Cordes Mixte
Instrumentation Violon et violoncelle
Type de produit Conducteur
Description Product Type Conducteur
Éditeur University Of York Music Press
Période Post 1901
Nombre de Pages 9
Edition Number M570360130
For Violin and Cello.

Published 2008.

Dedicated to Peter Sheppard Skaerved and Neil Heyde.

'This music was composed during my DAAD residency in Berlin in October — November 2007. If I were to describe itin one sentence, I would say that it is based on the idea of 'two things seen/heard as one'.
'a2 (a due) is a well-known term to musicians; it is often found in orchestral scores indicating a given passage that is to be playedby two instruments of the same family. Although violin and cello could well be regarded as 'first cousins' of the string family, the literal implementation of the term a2 as a 'compositional strategy' would have been too much (!)for a piece of chamber music consisting of no more than two players. Not surprisingly, this never happens in this work; in fact, the opposite is true: regardless of how it appears on paper (i.e. on one or two staves), the musicfor each instrument is constantly based on two layers.
'This musical 'interpretation' of the title gives an indication as to how the textural format of the piece operates. However, this was by no means the only thought that'preoccupied' my mind whilst composing this music. Berlin made a profound impression on me. The remnants of the wall in Bernauer Straße and the cobbled two-stone line tracing the wall across where it once stood — a clear reminderof what not so long ago there were two different worlds in one city — provoked a strikingly dramatic effect. Border, death-strip, killing, and escape to freedom had a particularly evocative resonance, especially of the time when Ilived for three years in a remote town in Southern Albania right at the border with Greece. There, there was a nameless road whose destination the authorities did not want you to know, but the locals called it the'death-road'.
'In no way programmatic, in this context, the extra-musical dimension of the principal idea is very much part of the piece. Here, the musical and extra-musical interpretations cannot easily be separated, for they
Song List
  • 1. a2 (b)
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